
thanks for stopping by!

i'm natalie! this is my space to experiment with creativity and catalogue my collections. it serves as a scrapbook, diary, blog, and poetry notebook all in one. this space is made primarily for myself, so please heed the warnings below before exploring further!

this site was built using google chrome. as an html newbie, i can't guarantee funtionality anywhere else (for now)


this site contains flashing images

as an adult, i may discuss content unsuitable for those under the age of 18. further warnings will be in place where applicable so that r18 content will never be accessed accidentally, though in general, my site is not minor-friendly.

i occassionally reclaim gay slurs.

i believe in art for arts sake. i'll probably write a (n essay-like mla cited) diary post discussing media & reality in the future. (i think kids these days call this "proship"???)
update log:

11/4/24: new blog post
19/3/24: new banner!
8/3/24: new blog post
24/2/24: added a footer. hoping to decorate it with ads or blinkies soon? might need an entry page first
20/2/24: band so mid i added a new tier to the scrapbook rating system. also updated to include all the ongoing BLs i read as they come out, including ones started before 2024
28/1/24: kooks album so disappointing i added a rating system to my scrapbook page
12/1/24: updated favicon. creation & completion of "runescape" page. added a sitemap page and moved some links there.
6/1/24: custom cursor just dropped
5/1/24: finished the base of the scrapbook page, still empty tho
3/1/24: happy new year! creation of "scrapbook" page. currently empty but will be filled in as the year progresses!
15/12/23: new blog post
11/12/23: rebranded my diary to a blog. it's less cute-sounding but more accurate to what it is.
29/11/23: new poems just dropped
16/11/23: added more blinkies, buttons, and stamps. finally updated the index & added a (preliminary) preamble.
5/11/23: published a diary entry titled "critically analyzing sk8er boi by avil lavigne"
4/11/23: redid the "poetry" page and i'm happy enough to link it now. it's still not as interactive as i want but html is hard!!! i also re-enabled the ability to comment on my neocities profile. i turned it off because i didn't think i'd use this as social media but i thought it'd be fair to at least give it a shot first.
3/11/23: coded the "poetry" page but i'm REALLY unhappy with it. probably won't update the link in the sitemap for a while, but it does exist on the site with an easy-to-guess url.
2/11/23: added a button to link to me on "links" page. added pixel art of a diary i created to "diary" home page. posted new diary entry.
1/11/23: creation of "diary" page. posted first diary entry. removed the stickers section in the right bar because that'll probably just be its own page anyway.
31/10/23: added credits for the header font. creation of "stamps" page. added stamps + more blinkies. cleaned up some coding behind the scenes. changed the divider and extended the shakespeare quote on "manifesto." updated header.
30/10/23: creation of "blinkies," "buttons," and "links" pages. added a (temporary?) header. added blinkies and started adding links to sites i like. moved the toybox to its own page + added more adopts. added status.cafe widget. enlarged site area.
29/10/23: polished some info. added a temporary to-do list while the site is still in construction.
28/10/23: more general construction. its a lot of work!!! creation of "about" page.
26/10/23: layout refinements and general construction. creation of "manifesto," "credits," and "guestbook" pages. added some adoptables to the toybox.
25/10/23: it exists! in its most primitive state...