This is my collection page for colors tcg, a card-collecting game hosted on dreamwidth! I've always loved the collecting aspect of tcgs while ignoring the actual gameplay part, so I'm really excited to be here!
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Activity Log
-Received museum07, museum08, wry11, wry13, wry14, constellation15, crush01, wry15, constellation16, museum09, constellation17, museum10, constellation19, museum11 from Advent Calendar Day 3
-Received bonds01, vegetable01, whiskers01, p-organ01, arcadia01, moonblast01, princess01, ninjas01, gunpowder01, jindujun01, incontrol01, 1000needles01, scuro01, yuris01, nao01, minette01, toybox01, dwn-02301, gensokyo01, victoria01, aaa01, treasurer01, voltswitch01, sarcophalon01, robo-nene01, reckless01, timid01, saranaga01, kaze01, recluse01, medic01, archaeology01, lastrites01, clerk01, draculor01, east01, walhalla01, superhuman01, halftone01, rise01, meganekko01, photographs01, bocchi01, diamonddust01, worry01, aquatic01, fake01, pah-chin01, colorred01, fouryears01, blooddevil01, car01, inheritance01 from Advent Calendar Day 11
-Gifted appointed20, brokenphone20, scenarios20, red-leg20, stollen20, stillness20, goalkeeper02, osha02, above02, jfa02 to @koinuko_colors
-Received fuzzy01, poundcake01, ribbit01, toxapex01, appointed20, brokenphone20, scenarios20, red-leg20, stollen20, stillness20, 78th01, constellation10, constellation11, constellation13 from Release 177
-Received shampoodle01, gleam01, 100km01, santadodoria01, silky01, wheeze01, goalkeeper02, osha02, above02, jfa02, doctors07, doctors02, roost05, roost20, damsel02 from Release 176
-Mastered dojima, ripple, goraishi, hayato, negative, townhall, venus, wildflower | Received venus19, wildflower08, wildflower10, wildflower13, wildflower14, wildflower16, wildflower18, lawless08, oneforall02, iron-blood06, devotedlove03, aquarimms15, bringit02, megaten03, crossroads17, thestray04, blackwave19, itegumo01, question03, sulfur11, wholesaler11, lunatic14, slam01, laidback13, *2 red crayons, *1 yellow crayon, *1 green crayon, *1 blue crayon, *1 purple crayon, *1 brown crayon, *1 gray crayon
-Received opposites12, cattle05, amara02, bern07, rapier16, medicninja17, council08, shorthair02, caress09, vaisravana03, *1 red crayon from Scramble! 186
-Received intetsu07, ogrearm07, embalming08, blackgale20, lune08, meganes16, moll02, voiceless09, maous13, onod11, *1 orange crayon from Scramble! 185
-Received soundless05, deadman20, bayoen08, mugyou07, shadowtag12, lonewolf16, eclair16, idolizer13, latvia05, moonheart02, *1 gray crayon from Scramble! 184
-Received aces14, mustaches07, idolclub13, mythicals12, aglaia13, ember19 from Deck Lover 449
-Received yukis13, fantasyland09, begnion18, riviera14, bunaru11, horror09 from Deck Lover 448
-Received 8311, johns17, grunties13, vampires13, asterisk03, yourbook06 from Deck Lover 447
-Received kings09, razorleaf14, grandpas16, dadada10, icebeam02, isshu02 from Deck Lover 446
-Received soulunion18, mid-childa17, valentines15, natsus09, epoch10, younggirls03 from Deck Lover 445
-Received threeeyes08, envoy12, illegal07, rusty13, negatives19, attendant03, hyperion13, candywand09, void04, ticking19 from Shadow Watching 330
-Received fulfill06, spicy14, iss20, solomon03, denmark13, tigers01, natural09, crt04, bum13, guilty19 from Shadow Watching 329
-Received killme03, fethmus10, gammaray12, ruinprincess11, eleventh10, 1820, devoted11, root08, lenlen13, aka06 from Shadow Watching 328
-Received hungary05, atelier03, usashrine16, thunder01, telewarp13, divinewolf12, tigerlaguz17, enigma09, colorful04, perverted20, confrontal06, mascara14, pursuing20, burglar19, jujutsu03, irontiger14, rebluens02, funland09, severe15, meteorswarm15, certainty01, shogun01, firefighter09, childlike08, otters01 from Advent Calendar Day 10
-Received conflict17, slumberland11, gakuenk12, hizume18, cetus04, dependable06, uberhero12, herbaltea19, crier16, tidiness06, pansy02, darklily02, gleam08, *1 red crayon, *1 orange crayon, *1 yellow crayon from Advent Calendar Day 8
-Received portia12, magitek09, magic12, peacock09, wfd04, clerks15, puppetgirl17, highlife11, northitaly07, kurokami11 from Advent Calendar Day 14
-Received sealand17, trackrunner03, yaiba09, seakingdom20, cys18, umbra12, stiff03, notapanda05, gloucester20, suave09 from Advent Calendar Day 2
-Received kanahana12, babyfox10, vfx11, japanophile13, heartlamp02, gardening02, sheep18, feng12 from Advent Calendar Day 16
-Received saxophone13, jfa08, shampoodle05, karlman10, twist04, nurses01, bishiekiller01, okhotsk10 from Advent Calendar Day 23
-Received hyperacusis01, simile11, risingsun14, boko10, glassslipper14, forgemaster09, domremy05, hypnotize03, kirisaki10, bishoujo08, tigerstriped06, baroque07, cup16, neesan12, kabbalah20, observe01, fingers07, spacestation13, passedon05, opast12, biblestudy07, mercury08, nurturesp01, thestinky03, holes10, galatine16, senbon10, railgunuser17, viceroy20, 1luv10, carbon18, alteregos19, underworld01, discourse05, foxmagic13, revengeplan05, tsuntsun03, assal18, kelkale07, earwig11 from Advent Calendar Day 18
-Received *2 blue crayons, *2 yellow crayons, *3 purple crayons, *1 red crayon, *1 green crayon from Advent Calendar Day 25
-Received vesties06, danzhu16, hualina03, sharkrash15, ensiferum14 from No Context Theater 399
-Received whales12, nourishment01, umebachidou19, fifthfloor13, flapflap01 from No Context Theater 398
-Received shortrange10, survivallist16, dual-sided09, blackshadows20, roussainte06 from No Context Theater 397
-Received charity17, nerd19, aquajet11, nudist18, corner15, snapping11, windsage06, meganes06 from Booster Bundle 193
-Received bikelover01, forever10, viera07, skyloft02, noblecause06, obedient17, amadeus09, strongjaw03, yourbirth06, confidential16, half-vampire18, blue20, *1 orange crayon, *1 yellow crayon, *1 green crayon, *1 brown crayon from Deck Donations
-Received *2 yellow crayons, *2 purple crayons, *2 red crayons from Colorseum 72-2
-Received mokkun11, donutpond07, cosplayidol05, pasttunnel13, seedgather05, system14, weapons06, handicraft13, feiris18, yaiba17, distracted07, 500yen11, panther09, hegemony01, hawkeyes07, abysswalker03, epyon14, blacksonia19, agent06, decalogue14, esteem14, valkyrie14, stress12, doujinshi04, kingswand09 from Pick a Color 277
-Received hexed10, deception13, lasagna07, chozo03, jr19, t-veronica08, villain07, permission02, aikane15, lightofgod10, rekka02, challenge09 from Directions 211
-Received tsunshun14, zidian07, mainstream13, townhall19, neverwinter18 from Most Wanted 148
-Received howling13, mute08, green20, regal13, heights07, whiterabbit04, heroine13, vampire18, irritated20, visualizer02, assistant11, evolver08, fang07, isolated02, pasta01, samekh18, 1811, musket18, focused12, howling08, isolated07, swallow03, balance15, letter09, swallow02 from Release Roulette 46
-Received playmaker20, pleadingly18, appmon17, fly19, dwn-04805, dwn-04114, zingzap03, bloodtalon16, jet-black03, antecedent08, kaleido14, dwn-04804, drowning19, twinkling17, 108th06, chargebolt09, hikou17, fly11, pinky18, plegia03, lesson06, foolslove05, habitats11, training05, kotodama02, sugarheart16, royal20, easternmyth11, 108th03, sootopolis14, royal03, sugarheart18, sexyguilty13, twinkling11, porcelain05 from Release Roulette 45
-Received eins16, grasshopper08, shadowsword13, drumset19, infant17, 20faces16, boom12, archivist15, felisalba03, curbstomp08, daathic15, jadetiles19, othardian04, synthesis2711, vocal13, azuresea04, khnum17, kusarigama18, trapmaker20, solarsect05, lovey-dovey01, phonograph20, fool16, cupnoodles13, *2 green crayons from Lady Luck Slots 187
-Received hakkitos14, deerhorn14 as a gift from @cloudcolors
-Traded agent04, allstars10, bugkingdom07, bugkingdom13, curesunny01, djkunoichi05, fflove01, godisdead10, godisdead12, halfninja06, hanami20, horrormare08, k9-ball11, keyblade10, kitsune17, letyoudive13, lonelymoon06, maulers06, maulers20, momett05, nereides04, nereides07, nodamage18, pancakes12, rollout08, rollout16, sharks20, wahoo07 to @cloudcolors for bondman09, chocolate10, clerk16, clodsire11, cover14, crusherz02, deadbeats20, fender18, foxmagic18, ghosthand02, ioforia03, isohseta17, jokes12, karafuto12, koinichiwa09, moodyblues08, neongem08, nimtype18, number203, pebbles06, pokecenter11, pokerface13, ppt20, prince18, revolutionary05, sorceress01, teamates11, zippers11
-Traded crossdressf13, angelic19, antarctica19, argentea07, arrows08, artistic15, autobots07, autobots13, backpack13, bandainamco15, bashousen15, beastman13, beretta04, beretta15, beyondard15, bikinis16, blackbomber14 to @netbug009 for axelotls17, blackvoice17, blinky02, bloodbag09, cover14, crusherz05, crusherz16, crusherz20, cultare18, editor13, hakkitos05, jailbirds09, koinichiwa06, koinichiwa09, koinichiwa14, koinichiwa17, pebbles08
-Traded agedout06, brightlands06, castle02, charity05, councillor08, elevator08, fortis09, hanriver11, ifrit01, likeagem06, minteye05, munnypouch16, orpheus14, patches14, ramuh05, shiva20, swarkii03, swarkii10, vahrudania07, wildlands05 to @catcat for aquarium07, bokki06, deadbeats03, gaming03, gamushin20, hacker01, horses13, icequeen05, icequeen17, inadequate08, jaded07, karafuto09, presence19, revolutionary16, spicegirl05, telecaster12, toon20, uranohoshi01, weirdo08, yaoi18
-Received bankruptcy20, oar04, akfield10, rabbityear07, godslicer09, junction02, pfpth03, china02, smother06, dictator15, convey08, tenkafubu11, gekkooin18, megalonia05, mineral02 from Seiyuu Guess 682
-Received *2 yellow crayons from Riku's Favors 101
Archived 2024 log

Mastery Badges

please trade sigs with me if i have at least 2 avaliable, i think they're so cute!
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colorstcg ♡ colorstrade ♡ recycled art ♡ art studio ♡ art shop ♡ activity rewards ♡ portfolios ♡ masteries ♡ levels
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gloomlee's card remover ♡ netbug's donation adoption center ♡ koinuko's deck to card list tool
these pages couldn't be possible without scripts and help from koinuko!